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1995年-至今 担任美国俄克拉荷马大学(University of Oklahom)经济系助理教授、副教授(终身聘任)、教授。
2007年-2009年 担任国际货币基金组织研究部客座研究员。




1982年 获南京大学数学系学士学位
1987年 获清华大学经济学硕士学位
1995年 获美国宾州州立大学经济学博士学位


2014年 长江学者特聘教授


[1] 要素禀赋、专业化分工、贸易的理论与实证”(与林毅夫和王勇合著) (经济学 (季 刊) ,第4卷第1期, 2004。)["Endowment, Specialization, and Trade: Theory and Practice", (with Justin Yifu Lin and Yong Wang) China Economic Quarterly, 4(1), 2004.] 
[2] 社会价值、市场效率与收入分配 (经济学 (季刊) ,第2卷第3期, 2003)。["Social Value, Market Efficiency, and Income Distribution", China Economic Quarterly, 2(3), 2003.] 
[3] 东北亚经济区合作构想”(与张力、张峰、薛军和潘福祥合著) ,(科技导报,第5期,1989)。["Northeast Asia Free Trade Area", (with Li Zhang, Feng Zhang, Jun Xue and Fuxiang Pan) Science and Technology Review, 5, 1989.] 
[4] 行政权力与货币的交换”(与石丰合著)(中国经济论坛,第1卷第1 期,1989)。["The Exchange between Administrative Power and Money", (with Shi Feng) China Economic Review, 1(1), 1989.]
[5] 调整过程中的价格刚性与失业要素波动:一个动态一般均衡角度的分析”(经济学 (季刊) ,第1卷第1期, 2001)。["Price Rigidities and Unemployed Factor Fluctuations in the Adjustment Process: A Dynamic General Equilibrium Approach", China Economic Quarterly, 1(1), 2001.] 
[6] When Is Quality of Financial System a Source of Comparative Advantage? (with Shang-Jin Wei) Journal of International Economics, 2011, 84, 178-187.
[7] Consumer Heterogeneity, Income Distribution, and Welfare Impact of Free Trade Review of International Economics, 2011, 19(2), pp. 288-299. 
[8] Domestic Institutions and the Bypass Effect of International Capital Flow, (with Shang-Jin Wei) American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, November 2010, pp. 173-204.
[9] A Model of Middlemen and Oligopolistic Market Makers (with Scott Linn and Zhen Zhu), Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 19(1), Spring 2010, pp. 1-23, Lead Article.
[10] "The Impact of Trade Liberalization on the Trade Balance in Developing Countries (with Yi Wu and Li Zeng), IMF Staff Papers, 57(2), 2010, pp. 427-449.
[11] Hicks Theorem: Effects of Technological Improvement in the Ricardian Model (with Xuebing Yang), International Review of Finance and Economics, 18, 2009, pp. 239-247.
[12] Firms behavior and market access in a Free Trade Area with Rules of Origin (with Kala Krishna), Canadian Journal of Economics, February 2005, pp. 290-308. 
[13] Oligopolistic Competition, Technology Innovation, and Multiproduct Firms, Review of International Economics, 11(2), May 2003, pp.346-359.
[14] Regulations, Regime Switches and Non Monotonicity when Non Compliance is an Option: An Application to Content Protection and Preference (with Kala Krishna), Economics Letters, 77, 2002, pp. 315-321.
[15] Welfare and Market Access Effects of Piecemeal Tariff Reform (with Kala Krishna) Journal of International Economics, 51, August 2000, pp.305-316.
[16] Evaluating Trade Reform with Many Consumers (with Kala Krishna) Canadian Journal of Economics, 33(3), August 2000, pp.787-798.
[1] “金融发展与国际贸易”, 国际贸易与投资前沿 (第4章), 格致出版社, 上海, 2008。["Financial Development and International Trade", Research Frontier in International Trade and Investment (Chapter 4), Shanghai, 2008]
"When Is Quality of Financial System a Source of Comparative Advantage?" (with Shang-Jin Wei) Journal of International Economics, 2011, 84, 178-187.
[1] "Consumer Heterogeneity, Income Distribution, and Welfare Impact of Free Trade", Review of International Economics, 2011, 19(2), pp. 288-299. 
[2] "Domestic Institutions and the Bypass Effect of International Capital Flow", (with Shang-Jin Wei) American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, November 2010, pp. 173-204.
[3] "A Model of Middlemen and Oligopolistic Market Makers",(with Scott Linn and Zhen Zhu), Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 19(1), Spring 2010, pp. 1-23, Lead Article.
[4] "The Impact of Trade Liberalization on the Trade Balance in Developing Countries" (with Yi Wu and Li Zeng), IMF Staff Papers, 57(2), 2010, pp. 427-449.
[5] Hicks Theorem: Effects of Technological Improvement in the Ricardian Model", (with Xuebing Yang), International Review of Finance and Economics, 18, 2009, pp. 239-247.
[6] "Firms behavior and market access in a Free Trade Area with Rules of Origin", (with Kala Krishna), Canadian Journal of Economics, February 2005, pp. 290-308.
[7] "Oligopolistic Competition, Technology Innovation, and Multiproduct Firms", Review of International Economics, 11(2), May 2003, pp.346-359.
[8] "Regulations, Regime Switches and Non Monotonicity when Non Compliance is an Option: An Application to Content Protection and Preference", (with Kala Krishna), Economics Letters, 77, 2002, pp. 315-321.
[9] "Welfare and Market Access Effects of Piecemeal Tariff Reform", (with Kala Krishna) Journal of International Economics, 51, August 2000, pp.305-316.
[10] "Evaluating Trade Reform with Many Consumers", (with Kala Krishna) Canadian Journal of Economics, 33(3), August 2000, pp.787-798.
[11] "Necessary Conditions for Welfare Improving Reforms",(with Kala Krishna) Economics Letters, 67(2), May 2000, pp.173-178.
[12] "Divisionalization, Franchising, and Divestiture Incentives in Oligopoly", (with Baye and Crocker) American Economic Review, 86, March 1996, pp.223-236.
[13] "Divisionalization and Franchising Incentives with Integral Competing Units", (with Baye and Crocker) Economics Letters, 50, March 1996, pp.429-435.
[1] "When Are Trade Liberalizations a Source of Global Imbalances?" (with Kang Shi and Shang-Jin Wei), 2011
[2] "Sticky Current Accounts versus Sticky Labor Markets: Theory and Evidence on the Substitutability between Intra-temporal and Intertemporal Trades" (with Kang Shi and Shang-Jin Wei), 2011
[3] "A Two-Sector Eaton and Kortum Model: Trade Patterns and Effects of Technological Improvements" (with Xuebing Yang), 2011
[4] "The Cosine-Shaped Pattern of Innovations and Technological Advantage: Theory and Some Evidences" (with Xuebing Yang), 2011
[5] "Endowment Structures, Industrial Dynamics and Economic Growth" (with Yifu Lin and Yong Wang), Policy Research Working Paper 5055, World Bank 2009.
[6] Financial Development and Production Structures" (with Susan Chun Zhu, Wei-Chih Chen and Kevin Grier ), 2011
[7] "Current Account Adjustment in a Model with Multiple Tradable Sectors and Labor Market Rigidities", (with Shang-Jin Wei), 2009
[8] "Current Account Adjustment: Some New Theory and Evidence" (with Shang-Jin Wei), NBER Working Paper 13388, 2007.
[9] "A Solution to Two Paradoxes of International Capital Flow", (with Shang-Jin Wei), NBER Working Paper 12668, 2006.
[10] "Endowment versus Finance: A Wooden Barrel Theory of International Trade", (with Shang-Jin Wei), (with Shang-Jin Wei) CEPR Working Paper 5109, 2005.
[11] "Aggregate Surplus and Potential Pareto Improvement", 2008
[12] "Frictional Unemployment and Periodical Price Adjustment in Transition Periods", 2004
[13] "Efficient Welfare Function and Optimal Income Distribution", SSRN Working Paper 304680
[14] "The Measurement of Welfare", SSRN Working Paper 244011
[1] "Technology Upgrading and Industrial Policies" (with Yifu Justin Lin and Yong Wang)
[2] "Real Exchange Rates and Current Account Imbalances in an Economy With Excess Supply of Labor" (with Yifu Justin Lin and Qing Liu)