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1982年1月 毕业于南京大学 ,获学士学位。
1984年-1986年 赴美学习,获美国北卡州立大学(North Carolina State University)公共管理硕士 (MPA)。
1991年 获美国锡拉丘兹大学麦克斯韦尔公共管理学院(Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs , Syracuse University)公共管理博士。


国际行政学会中国专家委员会专家、 亚洲分会理事
美国和中国多家 (十家)公共管理专业杂志评审员或编委。


[1] 承上启下,开拓中国公共管理的新纪元
[2] 公共政策的缺失与当前世界性经济危机
[3] 中国政府绩效评估:理论与实践
[4] 如何在城市发展过程中既维护公共利益又保障私人权利——“政府或公共部门对私产的征用权”辨析(新华文摘转载)
[5] 谈人力资源管理工作中公务员的专业化问题(新华文摘辑刊)
[6] 给分权划底线,为创新设边界——地方政府创新的法律环境探讨
[7] 当代西方公共管理前沿理论述评(新华文摘转载,07年光明日报十大学术新闻)
[8] 产权疲软问题的公共政策思考(新华网)
[9] 从公共管理视角看美国的发展经验和中国面临的挑战
[10] 它山之石 如何攻玉?——从公共管理视角看中国知识精英学习外国经验的心路历程
[11] 公共管理中的公共性问题
[12] 公共利益意识是建设和谐社会的文化核心(新华文摘辑刊)
[13] 创新与中国公共管理(新华网)
[14] 美国公共管理学科的发展轨迹及其对中国的启迪(新华文摘辑刊)
[15] 公共管理是关于治理的实践性极强的大学问
[16] 政府管理创新的瓶颈因素及其分析(新华文摘辑刊)
[17] 地方政府的治理创新战略——美国凤凰城的案例及经验(新华文摘转载)
[1] David."Public Administration in Transition." Public Administration Review. Vol. 52, No. 6. November/December, 1992, pp. 5-7.
[2] Lan, Zhiyong and Rainey, Hal. "Goals, Rules, and Effectiveness in Public, Private and Hybrid Organizations". Journal of Public Administration: Research and Theory. 1992, Jan.Vol. 2, No. 1. pp. 5 28.
[3] Lan, Zhiyong. "Reagan and Public Choice: an assessment of the implicit Reagan administrative theory." The Journal of Political Science and International Relations. Vol 8, No. 1. July, 1993, pp. 36-44.
[4] Lan, Zhiyong and Cayer, N. Joseph. "The Challenge of Teaching Information Technology Use and Management in a Time of Information Revolution." American Review of Public Administration . Vol. 24, No. 2, June, 1994, pp. 207-222.
[5] Lan, Zhiyong and Craig, Scott. "The Relative Importance of Computer mediated Information versus Conventional Non Computer mediated Information in Public Sector Managerial Decision making." Information Resources Management Journal Vol. 9, No. 1, Winter, 1996, pp. 27-37.
[6] Lan, Zhiyong and Falcone, Santa. "Factors Influencing Internet UseA Policy Model for Electronic Government Information Provision." Journal of Government Information. Vol. 24. No. 4., 1997, pp. 251-257.
[7] Lan, Zhiyong. "A Conflict Resolution Approach to Public Administration." Public Administration Review . Vol. 57, No. 1 (Jan/Feb), 1997, pp. 27-35.
[8] Lan, Zhiyong. "The 1998 Administrative Reform in China." Asian Journal of Public Administration . Vol. 21, (1) June, 1999, pp. 29-54.
[9] Lan, Zhiyong, Weixing Hu, and Ken, Wang. "The Growing China and Its Prospective Role in World Affairs." Brown Journal of World Affairs Vol. VI (2), 1999, pp. 1-29.
[10] Lan, Zhiyong, and Anders, Kathy. "A Paradigmatic View of Public Administration Research: An Empirical Test." Administration and Society. Vo. 32, No. 2., 2000, pp. 138-165.
[11] Lan, Zhiyong, "Understanding China's Administrative Reform." Public Administration Quarterly . Vol. 24 (4), 2001, pp. 435-467.
[12] Lan, Zhiyong. “Local Government Reform in the People’s Republic of China: Stipulations, Impact, Cases and Assessment.” Chinese Public Administration Review (Rutgers Univ.). Vol. 1, (3/4), 2002, pp. 209-220.
[13] Lan, Zhiyong. “Disciplinary Rationale and Public Administration Field Development.” Chinese Public Administration Review. (Rutgers Univ.) Vol. 2, (1/2), 2003. Pp. 1-16.
[14] Lan, Zhiyong. “Symposium Introduction.” Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting, and Financial Management. Vol. 15, No. 3., 2003, pp. 438-465.
[15] G. Zhiyong Lan, Lera Riley, N. Joseph Cayer. How Can Local Government Become an Employer of Choice for Technical Professionals: lessons and experiences from the city of Phoenix. Review of Public Personnel Administration. Vol. 25, No. 3, 225-242 (2005).
[16] Yang, Lihua and Lan, G. Zhiyong. (2010). “Internet's impact on expert–citizen interactions in public policymaking—A meta analysis.” Government Information Quarterly.” 27 (2010) 431–441 .
[17] Yang, Lihua, G. Zhiyong Lan, and Wu, Jiangguo. (2010). “Roles of Scholars in the Practice of Combating-Desertification: A Case Study in Northwest China.” “Environmental Management” 46:154–166..
[1] 《行政官僚与现代社会》,中山大学出版社。
[2] 《实践中的美国公共政策》,人民大学出版社。
[3] 《公共管理研究方法》(与范柏乃合著),科学出版社。