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1990年-1993年 纽约州立大学助理研究员
1993年-1994年 美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校(UCSanDiego)博士后助理研究员
1995年-1996年 康奈尔大学(CornellUniversity)理论中心研究员
1996年-2003年 美国伯克利加州大学(UniversityofCalifornia,Berkeley)环境科学、政策与管理系副教授
2001年-2004年 北京师范大学全球环境政策中心教授,教育部与李嘉诚基金会“长江学者”特聘教授
2004年- 清华大学公共管理学院教授,清华大学“百人计划”特聘教授
2009年- 美国能源基金会北京办事处首席代表,可持续能源项目副主任




1983年 河北农业大学获工学学士
1986年 中国农业科学研究院硕士
1987年-1990年 中国科学院生态环境中心博士研究生
1994年 美国纽约州立大学环境科学与森林学院(SUNY-ESF)博士




[1] Liu, B., Xu M., Henderson M., Qi, Y. and Li, Y. 2004. Taking China’s temperature: daily range, warming trends, and regional variations, 1955-2000. Journal of Climate 17: 4453-4462.
[2] Qi, Y. M. Henderson, M. Xu, J. Chen, P. Shi, C. He, and G. W. Skinner, 2003. Evolving Core-Periphery Interactions in a Rapidly Expanding Urban Landscape: The Case of Beijing, Landscape Ecology19:375-388.
[3] Tang, J., Qi, Y., Xu, M., Misson, L., and Goldstein A. H. 2004. Effects of forest thinning on soil respiration in a ponderosa pine plantation in the Sierra Nevada, Tree Physiology (in press).
[4] Xu, M. and Y. Qi. 2003, Scale dependence on relationship between landscape structure and microclimate, Plant Ecology (in press).
[5] Tang, J., D. Baldocchi, Y. Qi, L. Xu 2003. Assessing soil CO2 efflux using continuous measurements of CO2 profiles with small solid-state sensors, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology.
[6] Qi, Y., M. Xu and J. Wu. 2002. Temperature sensitivity of soil respiration and its impact on ecosystem carbon flux: Measurement and modeling, Ecological Modeling.153(1-2):131-142.
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[8] Xu, M., J. Chen and Y. Qi 2002. Growing season microclimate along a 10 km transect across a forested landscape, Climate Research: Interactions of Climate with Organisms and Human Society. 22:57-72.
[9] Qi, Y. and M. Xu 2002. Separating the combined effect of moisture and temperature on soil CO2 efflux in a coniferous forest in the Sierra Nevada Mountain. Plant and Soil, 237, 237:15-23.
[10] Gong, P., M. Xu, J. Chen, J. M. Chen, Ye Qi, G. Biging, J. Liu, S. Wang, 2002. A preliminary study on the carbon dynamics of China’s terrestrial ecosystems in the past 20 years, Earth Science Frontiers, 9(1):55-61.
[11] Xu, M. and Y. Qi 2001. Spatial and seasonal variations of Q10 determined by soil respiration measurements at a Sierra Nevadan Forest, Global Biogeochemical Cycle. 15(3): 687-696.
[12] Xu, M. and Y. Qi 2001. Soil Surface CO2 Efflux and Its Spatial and Temporal Variations in a Young Ponderosa Pine Plantation in Northern California. Global Change Biology, 7(6): 667-677.
[13] Xu, M., T. DeBiase, Y. Qi, A. Goldstein, and Z. Liu 2001. Ecosystem Respiration in a Young Ponderosa Pine Plantation in the Sierra Nevada Mountain, California. Tree Physiology Vol 21: 309-318.
[14] Qi, Y., M. Xu. J. Tang, P. Gong, and F. Li. 2001. Contrasting Stem Respiration of a Young and a Mature Conifer Forest in the Sierra Nevada Mountain, California. Tree Physiology (Revised and resubmitted in June 2001).
[15] Yi, C, Gong, M. Xu, and Y. Qi 2001. The effects of buffer and temperature feedback on the oceanic uptake of CO2 Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 28(5): 751-754.
[16] Xu, M. Y. Qi, and P. Gong 2000. China’s New Forest Policy, Science, 289(5487): 2049.
[17] Xu, M. T. DeBiase, and Y. Qi. 2000. A simple technique to measure stem respiration using a horizontally oriented soil chamber, Canadian Journal of Forest Research, Vol. 30:1-6.
[18] Wu, J. and Y. Qi. 2000. Dealing with Scale in Landscape Analysis: An Overview. Geographic Information Science, 6(1):1-5.
[19] Xu, M. Y. Qi, J. Chen, W. Yin 2000. Effects of spatial heterogeneity of microenvironment on plant biodiversity in the Southeastern Missouri Ozarks. Geographic Information Science, 6(1):38-47.
[20] Yang Y, J. Yao, S. Hu, Y. Qi. 2000. Effects of Agricultural Chemicals on DNA Sequence Diversity of Soil Microbial Community: A Study with RAPD Marker. Microbial Ecology, 39(1):72-79
[21] Goldstein, A.H., Hultman, N.E., Fracheboud, J.M., Bauer, M.R., Panek, J.A., Xu, M., and Y. Qi. 2000. Effects of climate variability on the carbon dioxide, water, and sensible heat fluxes above a ponderosa pine plantation in the Sierra Nevada (CA). Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. Vol. 101:113-129.
[22] Tian, H., C. A. S. Hall, and Y. Qi 2000. Increased biotic metabolism of the biosphere inferred from observed data. Science in China (中国科学),Series B (Chemistry), 40(1):58-68.
[23] Xu, M., and Y. Qi. 2000. Effects of spatial scale on the relationships between plant species richness and microclimate in the Southeastern Missouri Ozarks, USA. Polish Journal of Ecology.48(1): 77-88.
[24] 齐晔(1999)气候变化对北半球高纬度地区植被的影响的温度假说,生态学报,卷19(4): 474-478.
[25] Qi. Y. and Y. Yang 1999. Topographic effect on spatial variations of plant diversity in California. Geographic Information Science, Vol. 5(1): 39-46.
[26] Tian, H., C. A. S. Hall, and Y. Qi 1998. Modeling primary productivity of the terrestrial biosphere in changing environments: toward a dynamic biosphere model. Critical Review of Plant Science. 15(5): 541-557.
[1] Qi, Y. and J. K. Gilless 1999. Modeling processes and patterns for multiple-use management. In F. Helles (ed.) Multiple Use of Forests and Other Natural Resources - Aspects of Theory and Applications, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht. pp. 24-31.
[2] 齐晔(2000) 土地利用与土地覆盖模型. 宫鹏、史培军、齐晔、李小兵著. 土地利用变化:动态与评估,北京:高等教育出版社pp. 99-105
[3] 齐晔(2000)全球变化,李博(主编)〈生态学〉(二十世纪教科书), 北京科学出版社pp. 331-337.
[4] 齐晔 等(2000). 全球变化研究中的生物圈模型: 呼吸与分解. 韩兴国 等编. 《现代生态学讲座》北京:科学出版社